The magazine of the Arbeitskreise Heimische Orchideen (AHO) has an article of Norbert Griebl in its latest edition giving an overview about the Dactylorhiza species in Austria. His contribution presents two photos of white varieties – a Dactylorhiza traunsteineri, the photo taken at lake Kochel in Bavaria,and a bright flowering Dactylorhiza incarnata, which is defined als Dactylorhiza incarnata f. ochrantha- with a yellowish accent in the lower part of the inflorescence but not as yellow as Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. ochroleuca – Griebl views this taxon not as a subspecies but as a species of its own, since he argues that there are almost none hybrids between incarnata and ochroleuca.
In an article about maintenance of biotops in Rhineland-Palatinate Juergen Passin mentions a habitat near Vallendar on the Rhine “Orchis militaris, also var. albiflora”.