Ophrys speculum f. flavescens
In the latest issue of “Berichte aus den Arbeitskreisen Heimische Orchideen” (27/2, 2010), Klaus Boie presents a rare hypochrome form of Ophrys spec...
In the latest issue of “Berichte aus den Arbeitskreisen Heimische Orchideen” (27/2, 2010), Klaus Boie presents a rare hypochrome form of Ophrys spec...
White-flowered orchid varieties are not just a “freak of nature” – they have quite obviously some biological function. A group of scientists i...
I got these photos of Satyrium nepalensis from the botanist Bhakta Bahadur Raskoti in Katmandu who has just published a new book presenting “The Orchids o...
A new species description offers the chance to clarify open questions while studying the alpine Nigritella flora: In the latest edition of the Journal of Europe...
A new publication presents a showcase of all the orchids to be found in the Rhoen Region of central Germany. In this book, the author and photographer Marco Klu...
In an e-mail exchange following his recent article in the Journal Europaeischer Orchideen (JEO), Richard Bateman, orchid specialist at Kew Gardens, wrote me tha...
In an essay about the taxonomic mess with European orchids, Richard Bateman stresses the importance to develop clear criteria for classification instead of indi...
Today, 200 years ago, Charles Darwin was born – his vivid interest in varieties of animals and plants has led him to the insights of evolution: Species ...
The magazine of the Arbeitskreise Heimische Orchideen (AHO) has an article of Norbert Griebl in its latest edition giving an overview about the Dactylorhiza spe...
The shipment took more than a month but now the book has arrived from Cornell University Press in Ithaca, New York. It’s really intersting, the Illustrate...